Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009


When the compressed gas, temperature increase (as stated by Charles Law; diesel engines use this as fuel to ignite. Disedot to Air in cylinder diesel engine and compressed by the piston move up, far higher than the compression ratio of the engine spark plugs. At the time piston hit the top of, diesel fuel pumped to the chamber in a high pressure through atomising Nozzle, mixed with hot air that bertekanan high. Results of mixing this up and burned quickly.

This is causing an explosion in the gas chamber at the top, pushing down the piston to the strong energy and produce energy in the vertical direction. Rod provided the movement to CrankShaft who are forced to rotate, send energy expenditure at the end of the rotary CrankShaft.

Scavenging (pushing the gas-load burn out from the cylinder out, and interesting ocean into the air) engine implemented by the ports or valves. (See direct injection vs indirect injection for the types of fuel injection). To realize the capacity diesel engine, the turbocharger to mengkompres air disedot entry is needed; air intercooler to cool the incoming disedot after compression turbocharger by increasing efficiency.

Important components of the diesel engine is a governor, which limits engine speed to control fuel delivery. Machines that use sophisticated electronic control achieve this through the electronic control module (ECM) or electronic control unit (ECU) - which is a "computer" in the engine. ECM / ECU receives engine speed signal through a sensor and using a search algorithm and a calibration table stored in the ECM / ECU, it controls the amount of fuel and time through electronic or hydraulic aktuator to set the engine speed.

Diesel engine can not operate at the time of the cold cylinder. Some machines use a small radiator called electronic flash plug in the cylinder to heat engine cylinder before ignition. Other heating uses "resistive grid" in the "intake manifold" to warm the air entering the engine reaches operating temperature. After the engine operates fuel burning in the cylinder with the effective heat machines.

In the very cold weather, diesel fuel and increase viscositas coagulate and form crystals or gel candles. This blower can make fuel for the fuel to the cylinder in the time effectively, make ignition engine in cold weather becomes difficult, although the increase in diesel fuel bahn have difficulty making this a very rare. How common is used to heat the fuel filter and fuel lines electronically.

[edit] Type of diesel engine

There are two class diesel engines: two-stroke and four-stroke. many large diesel engine to operate in two-stroke cycle. A smaller engine usually use four-stroke cycle.

Usually used in the collection of multiple cylinder two, although any number of cylinders can be used for cargo in the decline in CrankShaft-seimbangkan to prevent excessive vibration. Inline-6 is produced mostly in medium-duty engines to heavy-duty, although the V8 and straight-4 also produced.

[edit] Advantages and disadvantages compared with the engine plug-flame

Diesel engine more than the gasoline engine with the same energy because the heavy construction required to survive in the high pressure combustion to ignition. And also made with the same quality that makes fans get peninkatan energy use with a large engine turbocharger modifications through a relatively easy and inexpensive. Gasoline engine with the same size can not be issued because of the comparable components in not able to withstand high pressure, and the candidates for diesel engine modification engine with low cost.

The addition of supercharger or turbocharger to increase engine fuel economy and energy. High compression ratio that diesel engines make more efficient use of gasoline engines. Increased fuel economy also means that diesel engines produce more carbon dioxide is small.

1 komentar:

  1. Selamat. ayo berjuang lagi. Tambahi postingannya. Jangan lupa beri komenter blognya teman.
